Common Striped Woodlouse


The Common Striped Woodlouse (Philoscia muscorum) is a common European woodlouse.
It has a glossy brown body with regular rows of spots.
Sometimes the colour of the body is yellow or orange (4th & 5th photo).
The head is darker than the body and it has a dark dorsal stripe.
The last five body segments are clearly narrower and form an angle with the rest of the body.
This species resembles Ligidium hypnorum, but that species has a uniform dark brown body, without a contrasting darker head and dorsal stripe.

1st, 2nd & 3rd photo: In my yard, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 19 July 2023
4th & 5th photo: In my yard, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 2 July 2024

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