European Paper Wasp


Paper wasps can be recognized by the way they fly: the legs hang obliquely downwards, unlike most other wasps that fold the legs under the body in flight.
There are two species of field wasps in the Netherlands: Polistes dominulus (European Paper Wasp) and Polistes biglumis ("Mountain" Paper Wasp).
The European Paper Wasp is now quite common in the Netherlands; Polistes biglumis is rarer.
Polistes biglumis can be recognized by its almost completely black antennae.
In the European Paper Wasp these are orange-red.

1st, & 2nd photo: In my yard, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 10 April 2020
3rd, 4th & 5th photo: Landgoed Oostbroek, De Bilt, The Netherlands, 4 September 2018

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