Lesser Grey Shrike


The Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) breeds in South and Central Europe and western Asia in the summer and migrates to winter quarters in southern Africa in the early autumn, returning in spring.
The adult male Lesser Grey Shrike has its nape, cheeks, ear and eye coverts and front part of the crown black.
The hind part of the crown and the back is a pale bluish-grey and the rump is a similar but rather paler colour.
The underparts are white with the lower breast and belly suffused with pink.
The female has similar plumage but the head is dark grey rather than black, the ear coverts brownish-black, the upperparts a brownish-grey and the underparts less pink than the male.
The juvenile is similar to the adults but is altogether more brown.
It lacks the grey back and rump which are instead pale brown and faintly barred, and the underparts are white and cream without any pink.

1st, 2nd & 3rd photo: A male. David Gareji Monastery area, Sagarejo, Georgia, 11 May 2024
4th & 5th photo: A male. Chachuna Managed Reserve, Georgia, 6 May 2024

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