Many-lined Sun Skink


The Many-lined Sun Skink (Eutropis multifasciata) looks like a lizard of the family Lacertidae (sometimes called true lizards), but like most species of skinks it has no pronounced neck and relatively small legs.
It is native throughout many Asian countries. 
The colour of the flanks can vary from olive-brown to reddish-orange.
The throat colour can vary from white to yellow.
Being non-venomous and diurnal in nature, it is an active animal and feeds mainly on insects and gives birth to live young. 

This is the subspecies Eutropis multifasciata balinensis, also known as the Bali Skink.
Males have a distinctive orange or yellow patch on their flanks, especially during breeding season.
Juveniles and females have a much more rich bronze colour, sometimes with white speckles on their flanks, and many indistinct black lines on their back.

1st photo: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 14 October 2011
2nd photo: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, 13 October 2011
3rd photo: Sarinbuana Eco Lodge, Mount Batukaru Area, Bali, Indonesia, 19 October 2011

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