Red-breasted Flycatcher


The Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva) is, at first glance, similar to a European Robin (Erithacus rubecula) in appearance.
A good identification feature is the white patches on either side of the base of the tail which are not always visible.
Both male and female Red-breasted Flycatchers have olive-brown upperparts and white underparts.
Males have a greyish head and neck and a bright orange-red throat, which females and juveniles lack.
While sitting, the bird often makes characteristic jerking wing movements and raises its long tail, sometimes high above its back.
It has a dark eye and a fairly small dark beak.

1st photo: David Gareji Monastery area, Sagarejo, Georgia, 11 May 2024
Last 4 photos: St. Elias Monastery, Dedoplistskaro area, Georgia, 10 May 2024

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