Ruddy Ground-Dove


There are four subspecies of the Ruddy Ground-dove ranging from northern Mexico south to eastern Peru and northern Argentina.
This is Columbina talpacoti rufipennis which occurs in Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago.
Columbina talpacoti rufipennis shows much more cinnamon on the underwing than the nominate subspecies Columbina talpacoti talpacoti which is found south and east of Colombia as far as northern Argentina, including Peru.

1st, 2nd & 3rd photo: Hotel Tinamú Nature Reserve, Manizales, Colombia, 26 June 2015
4th photo: El Km 18 Road, Cali area, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 11 June 2016
5th photo: Arauca area, Manizales, Colombia, 24 June 2015

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