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Displaying 1 - 45 of 77
American Painted Lady - USA - New York
Golden-crowned Kinglet - USA - New York
Yellow Warbler - USA - New York
Prairie Warbler - USA - New York
Chestnut-sided Warbler - USA - New York
Black-throated Blue Warbler - USA - New York
Black-and-white Warbler - USA - New York
Common Yellowthroat - USA - New York
American Redstart - USA - New York
Northern Parula - USA - New York
Blue-headed Vireo - USA - New York
Tufted Titmouse - USA - New York
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - USA - New York
Black-capped Chickadee - USA - New York
Least Flycatcher - USA - New York
House Wren - USA - New York
American Goldfinch - USA - New York
House Finch - USA - New York
White-throated Sparrow - USA - New York
Song Sparrow - USA - New York
House Sparrow - USA - New York
Chipping Sparrow - USA - New York
Cooper`s Hawk - USA - New York
Red-tailed Hawk - USA - New York
Scarlet Tanager - USA - New York
Eastern Towhee - USA - New York
Brown-headed Cowbird - USA - New York
Brown Creeper - USA - New York
White-breasted Nuthatch - USA - New York
Tree Swallow - USA - New York
Northern Cardinal - USA - New York
Red-winged Blackbird - USA - New York
Red-bellied Woodpecker - USA - New York
Northern Flicker - USA - New York
Hairy Woodpecker - USA - New York
Downy Woodpecker - USA - New York
Grey Catbird - USA - New York
European Starling - USA - New York
Common Grackle - USA - New York
Blue Jay - USA - New York
Feral/Rock Pigeon - USA - New York
Mourning Dove - USA - New York
Ring-billed Gull - USA - New York
Laughing Gull - USA - New York
Great Black-backed Gull - USA - New York
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