Black-winged Stilt


The taxonomy of this bird is still somewhat contentious. Some describe as many as five distinct species; others consider some or all of these to be subspecies.
Some refer to the name Black-winged Stilt as the old world nominate species (Himantopus himantopus) and to the name Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) as the species occuring in the Americas.
The head and neck of the Black-winged Stilt may vary from all-white to white with an all-black cap and hindneck.
Males have a black back, often with greenish gloss.
Females' backs are more brown.
Juveniles are paler than the adult, with washed grey-brown crown and rear neck.
Their brownish upperparts show narrow pale buff fringes, and their legs are duller.

1st, 2nd & 3rd photo: East Khawr, Dhofar Region, Oman, 2 & 6 February 2017
4th photo: A juvenile with a parent (and a Common Greenshank on the left). Khawr Rawri, Dhofar Region, Oman, 4 February 2017

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