Wasp Spider


The adult female Wasp Spider (Argiope bruennichi) (14 - 17 mm) is much larger than the male (4 - 6 mm).
This spider builds a spiral orb web, commonly in long grass a little above ground level.
When a prey item is first caught in the web, the Wasp Spider will quickly immobilise its prey by wrapping it in silk (clearly visible on the first two photos).
The prey is then bitten and then injected with a paralysing venom and a protein dissolving enzyme.

1st & 2nd photo: Laarder Wasmeer, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 9 August 2014
3rd & 4th photo: Grotelse Heide, Bakel, The Netherlands, 16 July 2018
5th photo: Blikkenburg, Zeist The Netherlands, 19 August 2021

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