Six-Spot Burnet


The Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena filipendulae) looks very similar to the Southern Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena transalpina).
Both occur through out West, Central and South Europe but the Southern Six-spot Burnet usually prefers higher altitudes.
The easiest way to distinguish the two is that the Six-spot Burnet has a black tip on its antennae, while the Southern Six-spot Burnet has yellow/whitish antennae tips.

1st & 2nd photo: Gagelpolder, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 30 June 2021
3th photo: National Park Zuid-Kennemerland, The Netherlands, 4 July 2018
4th & 5th photo: Weerribben-Wieden National Park, Visitor Centre De Wieden, The Netherlands, 7 July 2020

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