Greater Crested Tern


The Greater Crested Tern (Thalasseus bergii) is a large tern with a long (5.4–6.5 cm) yellow bill, black legs, and a glossy black crest that is noticeably shaggy at its rear.
The Greater Crested Tern often associates with the Lesser Crested Tern (Thalasseus bengalensis), but is 25% larger than the latter, with a proportionately longer bill which is yellow and not orange-tinted like in Lesser Crested Tern.
The Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) is similar in size to the Greater Crested Tern, but has a paler back and a blunter, more orange bill.
The Greater Crested Tern is a widespread tern found along the coasts of Africa, the Indian ocean, south eastern Asia and Australia.

Lokobe National Park, Nosy Be, Madagascar, 23 February 2020

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